
Navigate offline with Google maps

But when you’re out of your phone’s signal range (which, coincidentally, is often when you need navigational help most), Maps goes dead.


Travelers will soon be able to access Google Maps, directions, and businesses without Internet or cell service.

Google has launched a feature for their Maps app that allows users to download detailed maps of certain areas, so they can get directions and find their way even when you’re offline.

Google Maps product manager Amanda Bishop gave a sneak preview of these new capabilities during the Google I/O conference in May. “That means that quick and easy access to information is still not possible for a majority of the population”.

The latest update for Google Maps will offer both iOS and Android users, even if they have an early 2G or 3G model smartphone, the ability to access maps. Yesterday, Google made an announcement that will keep lost travelers found for future trips: Google Maps will be accessible without an Internet connection.

Now you can download an area of the world to your phone, and the next time you find there’s no connectivity-whether it’s a country road or an underground parking garage-Google Maps will continue to work seamlessly.

Apple also features a navigation app called Maps, but it has always been dismissed as inferior to Waze and Google Maps.

When the area loads, swipe up from the bottom of the screen to get more information about the location, and press Download.


Google’s test vehicles have now logged almost 1.27 million miles in autonomous mode, according to Google’s most recent monthly report on its self-driving auto project, which sums up activity through October 31. You can then tap “Download” on the resulting place sheet, or by going to “Offline Areas” in the Google Maps menu and tapping on the “+” button. The feature is available to users who have opted to save their location histories.

GettyTravelers will soon be able to access Google Maps directions and businesses without Internet or cell service