
Navy Football to Wear Under Armour-Designed Uniforms

The uniform’s baselayer will feature an overhead sketch of the seven ships featured on the helmets. The helmets, also designed by Under Amour, include a submarine motif, a battleship and an aircraft carrier helmet, among others. On Monday, the program changed the uniform game forever by unveiling the most unique helmets in the history of college or professional football.


The Naval Academy explained the reasoning for matching each position group with the corresponding class of ship. Photos can be found above and at this site.

After Navy’s victory over Army in 2014, the country will get to see how these new uniforms fare when they again face off on December 12.

“Damn the Torpedoes!” is written on the gloves, trousers and jersey as a reminder of the battle cry that rallies the fleet. The uniform font replicates the one used on Navy ships, and the trousers feature the Marine Corps logo.

The best thing about these new Under Armour uniforms? The Baltimore-based company signed a 10-year deal in 2013 to outfit Navy teams.


Navy won 17-10 previous year and has won the last 13 meetings against Army. For example, the Aircraft Carrier technically acts as a symbolic quarterback for the Naval Fleet being the “ultimate decision maker” and “quick strike” weapon of the Navy Fleet.

Navy Unveils Unreal Hand-Painted Helmets For Army Game