
Navy veteran is standing guard at Ocala recruitment center

He said the recruiters can’t authorize the veterans to do what they are doing, but they are appreciative of their efforts.


Better than arming domestic military personnel, Nelson would rather see changes such as hiring security to guard recruiting centers, installing bulletproof glass, strengthening buildings and making them more resilient to gunshots or explosives.

“When you have citizens who are armed and they’re open carried, you don’t know what kind of training that they been through”, explained Sgt.

“Our service men and women are innocent in this but they were attacked on our home turf”, she said.

Some critics say military sites are easy targets – also known as soft targets – because service members inside aren’t likely to be armed.

“To think the people who are supposed to protect and serve us are unable to protect and serve… protect themselves”, Tewellow, whose son recently enlisted in the army, told a local Fox affiliate.

Operation Warrior Guard began as a social media campaign in the wake of the Chattanooga shootings and quickly spread. Right now, federal law says they can’t.

That was in contrast to a similar situation Monday in Silverdale, where Kitsap County sheriff’s deputies asked an armed man standing guard outside a recruiting office to put his rifle and shotgun in his vehicle because he was worrying shoppers. Other states, including Alabama, New York and Illinois, stepped up security at recruitment centers.

Fitzpatrick said he isn’t going to wait for someone in Washington, D.C., to come up with an answer.

Murfreesboro police spokeswoman Amy Norville said the volunteers were on private property and were OK to stay as long as shopkeepers and customers do not have a problem with them. Those merchants did not seem to be bothered by the volunteers outside their stores. “Jeanette and I send our deepest condolences to the victims and their families”. “I want to protect all of our sailors and all of our marines and all of our airmen and soldiers and there’s no reason why these guys should be vulnerable.” says Rubeis.

“So we’re out here to make sure they remain safe”, Krol said. She said dispatch has not received any complaints.

“I have these freedoms and these liberties because of the men and women in uniform so I owe them a debt”.


Fitzpatrick said he’s had several people stop and thank him for what he’s doing and some have even brought him snacks and drinks. On Friday, there were a handful of reports of a couple of others in central Ohio.

Armed civilians station themselves outside an Armed Forces Career center in Manchester Township York County