
NBA To Move All-Star Game From Charlotte Over Transgender Bathroom Law

The 3 cities that have been mentioned as possible recipients of the 2017 NBA All-Star game include New Orleans, Brooklyn in NY and Chicago.


“The primary test for us is under this law whether we can successfully host our All-Star week”, Silver said, according to The Associated Press.

In their statement about moving the All-Star Game, executives at the sports organisation did however state that they aimed to host the event in Charlotte in 2019, provided their objections to the new law had been resolved.

House Bill 2, which was signed into law by Governor Pat McCrory on 23 March, renders all local anti-discrimination ordinances void and bans trans people from using bathrooms that match their gender identity.

“There was an exhaustive effort from all parties to keep the event in Charlotte, and we are disappointed we were unable to do so”, the Charlotte Hornets told CNN.

A new venue is expected to be announced in the coming weeks, with New Orleans and NY in the running to host the event.

NBA officials said Thursday the new location of the NBA All-Star Game will be announced in coming weeks.

Sabates sent his email in response to a note sent to the entire ownership group from Hornets President and COO Fred Whitfield regarding the league’s decision to move the game. Los Angeles is hosting the 2018 All-Star game.

On Thursday (July 21), the National Basketball Association took a strong stance against the North Carolina’s controversial LGBT law, which limits anti-discrimination protections in the state.

There are hopes that the 2019 game can be rescheduled for Charlotte if the issue is resolved, they added.

Silver had warned last month at the NBA Finals and again earlier this month that the law, which has caused an uproar in the gay and transgender community, could prompt such a move. The law also leaves out LGBT people from North Carolina’s anti-discriminatory protections and forbids the government from widening LGBT protections.

“Shame on those responsible for such a short sighted decision to take the NBA All Star away from Charlotte I always thought this was country that ALL peoples not just a few can determine our future”, he wrote.


“I know how much that would’ve meant to the city, to have the greatest NBA guys and celebrate the game of basketball”. He also praised Charlotte’ plans that had been made for renovations, which included upgrading the infrastructure, suites and scoreboard – all of which have been completed or are close to being completed.

NBA Pulls All Star Game From NC Over Bathroom Law