
NBC Is Looking To Bring Back Xena

Producers NBC Universal worldwide are now searching for a writer to board the reboot, which hails from original EPs Rob Tapert and Sam Raimi.


The warrior princess might be getting a comeback.

The action-adventure drama starred the queen of ’90s tough girls, Lucy Lawless. The spinoff is reportedly eyed for 2016.

The new “Xena” is in talks for a 2016 debut, but no decisions have been made regarding episode order.

The lead of the show is described as a hybrid of Lawless and Katniss from Hunger Games. If you remember, Bruce Campbell also has Xena experience, having had appeared in 9-episodes of Xena as Autolycus.

There’s no doubt that Lawless would have fan support and Lucy is sure she could get most of the Xena main cast to sign on with little problems, but there’s one other issue keeping Xena from screeching that famous war cry once more.

For her part, Lawless has expressed interest in reviving the role in recent weeks, even though her character died in the original series’ finale.

“I love modern clothing, I’ll tell you that”, Lawless says. I hope it happens! It seems there’s been conflict over who actually owns the rights to Xena and that small snag has kept Lawless from from going to crowdfunding sources to finance her Xena revival. “But that’s a piss-poor excuse anymore”. Find who has got the rights, freakin’ pay it. It’s better to have 80 percent of something than 100 percent of nothing. Don’t waste this opportunity. It’s an insane worldwide character. “Reinvigorate that franchise…They’re fools not to bring it back”.

Xena is a fictional character living during the time of Greek gods.

There have been constant rumors about a big-screen version of the show, but that hasn’t materialized. Key to their success is having the original producers involved.


“Xena” may be coming back to TV. The report says the idea is to create an ongoing series, so if the Xena reboot takes hold with audiences we’ll likely see more than one season.

Kiwi actress Lucy Lawless in Xena Warrior Princess in 1998