
NBC News chairman praises Lauer for forum moderator performance

Donald Trump says that rival Hillary Clinton’s comment painting half of his supporters as a “basket of deplorables” is the “biggest mistake of the political season”.


Weeks before the 2012 election, Republican Mitt Romney landed in hot water for saying that 47 per cent of the public would vote for President Barack Obama “no matter what” because they depended on government benefits and his job was “not to worry about those people”.

Trump has expressed the desire to strengthen US ties with Russian Federation, which is subject to USA economic sanctions for its annexation of Crimea and aggressions toward Ukraine.

Speaking with Israel’s Channel 2, Mrs. Clinton said that by singling out Muslims during his campaign, Mr. Trump had played into the hands of extremists and helped their recruitment efforts, in effect “giving aid and comfort to their evil ambitions”. In a statement announcing the ad Saturday, the campaign wrote, “As senator and as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton demonstrated her ability to work across the aisle to get things done”.

“We won’t always see eye to eye, but when it comes to questions of war, peace and the safety of our country, we can’t let party affiliation stand between us”, she said.

She described them as “people who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures, and they’re just desperate for change”.

“You know I hear from my old intelligence friends that Donald Trump has been engaged in some activities in Russian Federation that Vladimir Putin may be using to blackmail Trump”, McMullin said in an interview with CNN.

“We’re living in challenging times and that certainly was reinforced by the excellent discussion we had today”, she said after meeting with a bipartisan group of national security experts.

“At a rally on Friday before thousands of cheering supporters in Pensacola, Florida, Trump had more harsh words for the Democratic presidential nominee in the fallout over their crossfire at a televised national security forum in NY on Wednesday”. ‘National security experts on both sides of the aisle are chilled by what they’re hearing from the Republican nominee’.

If the cease-fire holds for a week, Russian Federation and the USA will then agree to carry out joint airstrikes against terror groups.

“An American president should never have these kinds of warm views of a Russian authoritarian like Vladimir Putin”, McMullin said. In a campaign appearance, he said it was “absolutely essential” that Americans “make the right choice” in the election “because if we make the wrong choice, then the danger is that we’ll get hit again”.

Critics of the network, which mostly targets audiences outside of Russian Federation and also includes programming in Spanish, Hindi and Arabic, have described it as a propaganda arm of Putin’s government.

Hillary Clinton is staying home to rest on Monday after appearing to faint while getting into her auto.

Trump’s move is likely to increase pressure on Clinton to release more information about her health.

Clinton at length discussed the news that North Korea had conducted another underground nuclear test, saying it was yet another reminder of the threats the United States and its allies face.

Clinton blasted Trump for appearing on the network and praising Putin, as he had done on Wednesday night during a televised national security forum.


“To just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables”. But she argued that the word “deplorable” was reasonable to describe much of Trump’s campaign. “If they want to join us in knocking out ISIS, that’s just fine as far as I’m concerned”.

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