
NBC News chief defends Matt Lauer

I want them to understand the duties and limits the Constitution imposes on the commander in chief.


Trump seemed to skate by a half hour later as he repeated – unchallenged – the false claim that he was against the war, even though he voiced support for it in a 2002 interview.

Neither major third party candidate appears to be making the gains necessary to reach the 15 percent threshold set by the Commission on Presidential Debates, with just three weeks to go before the first debate on September 26. Clinton’s answer, unsurprisingly, is no.

“I just don’t think she has a presidential look and you need a presidential look”, Trump said of Clinton. “I have been just waiting for this moment”. (Some NSFW.) A kissing Trump and Putin adorned a street mural in Lithuania earlier in this campaign.

While Labor Day has traditionally been the kickoff to the fall campaign, both Clinton and Trump have been locked in an intense back-and-forth throughout the summer. But the ban has not always been enforced, and Trump holds news conferences with relative frequency and he gives many interviews. “You’ll have a whole different supreme court structure”. They show Clinton’s lead has eroded considerably from her post-Democratic convention highs. I don’t know, I haven’t heard that statement. He’s never specified what, exactly, he was sorry about.

The interview was arranged by producers at Ora TV who had complete editorial control, Steere said.

Trump sought on Friday to blame Clinton after reports that North Korea had tested a nuclear weapon, arguing it was the fourth such test since the Democrat became secretary of state in 2009 and that she should have ended the nation’s nuclear program before her tenure ended in early 2013. Trump said some inaccurate things, to be sure (as did Clinton, as does every politician), but he carried himself well last night, even as he was asked twice as many questions during the event.

“He’s displayed a reckless level of ignorance and intolerance and that needs to be called out”, said Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon.

After Wednesday’s forum ended, Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, tweeted a critique of Clinton’s performance as “angry + defensive the entire time – no smile and uncomfortable”. What Trump did instead was insidious: He implied that Obama had ignored policy recommendations from the intelligence community and “did not follow. what our experts said to do”.

According to average ticket prices and attendance figures provided by the campaign, Clinton raised around $6 million at the fundraiser, only the sixth she has opened to press.

Donald Trump is shifting to “responsible candidate” mode, so his remarks on foreign policy Wednesday night sounded relatively restrained, until you parse the details. “In the Oval Office, it’s not”. And that’s a hard path to walk. Starting with the primaries, what would you generally say about what the voters have got? “If I create that perception, then I take responsibility”.

Some of the pushback is clearly strategic.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told a Russia-funded television network that “it’s probably unlikely” that Russian Federation is trying to influence the USA election. When moderator Matt Lauer pressed him on how he would have done that (or would do it), Trump said: “We would leave a certain group behind and you would take various sections where they have the oil”. This is a 10-point jump for both candidates since last month’s S.C. Democratic Party-commissioned Public Policy Polling (PPP) poll, which had Trump at 77 percent of partisan support and Clinton with 84 percent. Asked by King if he agreed with Putin’s assessment, Trump declined to pass judgment.


This week was far from the first time that Trump has cozied up to the Russian president. “She can complain about the rules of the game, but she also knows the rules of the campaign”.

Trump and Clinton look to pass US commander-in-chief test