
NBC News poll shows Hillary Clinton up by 7 points in Florida

The conventional wisdom is that Clinton is ahead, so when Quinnipiac challenges our assumptions, it’s perceived as wildly important, while polls that show Clinton with comfortable leads in Colorado, Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia seem routine. That represents a shift in Trump’s direction since last month’s Post-ABC survey, which showed Clinton leading by 12 points. And although more say they’d be proud to have her as president than say so about Trump, almost 6-in-10 say they wouldn’t be proud should Clinton win the presidency.


Trump only earned 79 percent of Republican support in each of the four states, a low number, especially compared to Clinton’s support among Democrats.

The institute poll was not concerned exclusively with college students.

OH voters questioned over the past week expressed disenchantment about their current status, with majorities saying they were “falling further and further behind economically”, that “the old ways don’t work and it’s time for radical change” and that “public officials ‘don’t care much what people like me think'”.

The poll was conducted after the Federal Bureau of Investigation recommended that Clinton should not face criminal charges for her use of a private email account and servers as secretary of state. That’s mostly a function of support for Clinton dropping off, which you can see clearly in the RealClearPolitics average of recent polling.

In Florida, Clinton gets 41 percent of the respondents, Trump 36 percent, Johnson 7 percent, and Stein 4 percent.

“She’s a crook, and I’m not going to vote for a crook”, Ms. Bailey said, adding that she would write in Mr. Sanders’ name on the November ballot.

As the Republican convention kicks off in Cleveland, the status of the race for the presidency continues to be advantage Hillary Clinton.

In contrast to Trump, Johnson does better with all millennial voters (15 percent) than likely voters (13 percent).

His endorsement, five weeks after Mrs. Clinton became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, brought the most prominent holdout in the party’s liberal wing into her camp. But Knope also acknowledged dissatisfaction with his options.


“For me, he’s a piece of trash”, Lopez said. It included 7,473 American adults and has a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of 1 percentage point. People selected for KnowledgePanel who didn’t have access to the Internet were provided access for free. Larry is our main news editor.

Polls: Young voters seek a 'reset button' on 2016