
NC commission wants Common Core changes

Taking the politics out of education isn’t easy, but it is necessary to keep improving our education system.


A commission reviewing public school educational goals is preparing to present its ideas for extensive changes at regional teacher forums.

For teachers, student proficiency is only one factor of a complex formula involving test scores and student demographics. Supporters argued that although it may have been implemented too fast and without enough training for educators, in the long run it would prove to be beneficial.

The latest test results for New York students provide two fundamental – and troubling – insights.

While Southern Cayuga experienced a relatively low opt-out percentage – 13 percent didn’t take the ELA test and 17 percent refused the math exam – none of the district’s eighth-graders scored in the proficient category on the math test. “But that will be eliminated as soon as we get the standards commission report with the new standards”. It is important for the future of our country, for our state and for the future of our children and grandchildren.

The Arizona State Board of Education has certified the results of this year’s new AZ Merit exams.

Today, at least 21 states have pushed back against the Common Core in some tangible way, shape or form since its introduction – either by never adopting it in the first place, pausing its implementation, downgrading their participation in or withdrawing from national tests, or by exiting the Common Core and reclaiming standard-setting autonomy.

The state adopted Common Core in 2010.

Despite the growing aversion to bowing down to the problematic federal standards, HSLDA attorneys warn that the Common Core will continue to infiltrate the minds of students and threaten families that allow such testing and curricula to reign supreme in their states. Our children are showing real improvement as teachers across New York become even more comfortable teaching to these rigorous standards.

Champions of academic freedom, including the nonprofit group, the Home School Legal Defense Association, proclaim that breaking away from the Common Core is a major step for parents and state boards of education in regaining control over their students’ education from the federal governments’ power grab. She is now leading a review of the standards and assessments to ensure their effectiveness.

Respondents think their local schools better meet the needs of girls than of boys, with black respondents perceiving the largest differences in the way students are treated based on gender. The new standards haven’t been written yet, so there’s no way anyone could possibly make such a claim.

“My colleagues and I in the Assembly Minority Conference held numerous open education forums to discuss the Common Core curriculum and high-stakes testing model in 2013”.

“In order for the tests to be useful they have to be good tests and the Pearson (test publisher) tests are a bad product”, he said.


“Data from the state assessments has been used to identify students who may require additional assistance, to increase the frequency of progress monitoring for individual students, and to assess instructional and academic program changes”, Southern Cayuga Central School District Superintendent Patrick Jensen said. While the assessments themselves take less than 1 percent of class time.

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