
NC Democratic Party edges Republicans in fundraising; Berger, Moore help keep

Why did Fox News decide to schedule two Republican presidential debates rather than one?


Having won the previous eight years in the White House, the Democratic party is somewhat unified on its ideals while the Republican party is immensely divided.

All signs point to the fact that the same tragicomedy will be playing out this year. “Among the biggest losers of tonight’s debate were American women, who were attacked at every turn”. This has left those with lower poll numbers to feel that they needed to use insults or outrageous stunts to draw the press attention they will need to lift them into the top 10. Marcy Kaptur and Tim Ryan.

Donald Trump is giving the GOP a tax-free gift, paid for entirely with his own personal funds.

“I don’t have a frontrunner, it’s way too early, we have a long time“, he said. They’re going to be auditioning for the billionaires.

This isn’t a new development since we’ve seen it play out in the past few election cycles. “This is about jobs”, Ryan said.

“I get this sense with Donald Trump like he’s showing us everything that’s hateful about Americans and reflecting it back to us and people are responding to that which is really scary”. Obama has blamed Republicans – together with some 2016 presidential candidates – for backing legislation he states would undercut voting rights, notably for minorities.

To reverse this trend in 2016, Republicans must show that we are serious about reaching out to voters who have not traditionally aligned themselves with our party or who may have felt alienated by the GOP in the past.

Wasserman Schultz pointed to the party conventions as an example.

However, Democrats who met at Rusty’s Pizza in Northeast Bakersfield weren’t satisfied with what they heard. is merely the latest quadrennial installment in this presidential election saga, complete as always with disdain from the “serious” candidates and the “mainstream” press. That appears to be a draw to voters frustrated with Washington and career politicians, but some Republicans fear his talent for outlandish comments – whether about Mexican immigrants or the war record of Arizona Sen. Changes in voting laws have done just the opposite, she said. Their ballot would then be held until the voter registration was confirmed as valid.

Husser said, “You might see them doing things that might be out of their normal character to just stand out”. Hypothetically speaking, if one candidate can somehow secure the following of all four groups, he or she would skyrocket in the race and have a very high chance of winning. Paul Simpson is the Harris County Republican Party Chairman and told KTRH he knows why that is.


“Marijuana is not legal yet”, Borges said in an interview with the Dix Communications.

The Republican Revels Begin