
NC Democratic Party rebounds in fundraising through June

Fox News now has scheduled two debates today for the GOP candidates.


“It’s just friends getting together; we’re going to watch the GOP debate”, said Penny Rosfjord, Woodbury County Democratic Chair. “They are all the same”. Which is a tougher question for teens who weren’t born for another decade after President Ronald Reagan left office.

CNN will host the first Democratic Presidential debate in October in Nevada. Weddle was appointed district attorney after Trent Kelly won the First District representative’s seat in the U.S. Congress last spring. Marcy Kaptur and Tim Ryan. And without such mighty themes to unify an inherently factionalized national party, the GOP is asking for its fissures to be exploited.

“I think it’s safe to say the Democratic Party of New Mexico is in a rebuilding process”, said Brian Sanderoff, an Albuquerque pollster. “Once she stands on the stage with people who are running against her, she can be spontaneous and authentic and present herself as a real candidate, as opposed to a heir apparent waiting to be coronated”. “They’re going to be auditioning to the Koch brothers”, Ryan said. “We’re moving on from what was a dispirited election”.

Expect plenty of grandstanding over Barack Obama’s nuclear deal – which the candidates universally opposed as misguided and unsafe – and the president’s failure to do more to win the war against the Islamic State, which Central Intelligence Agency analysts recently admitted was at a stalemate. She will face incumbent Democrat Justice Court Judge Sadie Holland in November.

Obama has criticized Republicans – including some 2016 presidential candidates – for backing legislation he says would undercut voting rights, particularly for minorities.

“We’re the party that believes in marriage equality”, he said.

Wasserman Schultz pointed to the party conventions as an example.

The state Democratic Party once ruled the roost. “They want to turn back the clock to the failed policies of the past”.

To Trump’s right on the stage will be Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, whose victories over unions in his home state created his national profile. Both governors are GOP presidential candidates.

Kaptur criticized Republicans in Congress for failing to adequately address the need for funding for infrastructure. I can’t overstate what an important difference you can make by doing this.

“These policies show just how out of touch Republicans are on the issues that matter to middle-class families”, she said.

“It’s a chance to get to know your neighbors, build relationships with Republicans and other interested parties”, said Jeff Hayes, chairman of the El Paso County Republican Party.


“If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t even be talking about illegal immigration”, he said.

Why Trump Is Good for the GOP