
Neb Has First 2015 West Nile Case

If people are outside while an area is being sprayed, the operators are required to shut down the foggers.


The Camden County Mosquito Commission will conduct spraying in Gloucester Township early Thursday morning, 2 a.m.-6 a.m. Mosquito control spraying won’t occur during rain or if the wind speed is 10 miles per hour or greater.

West Nile first appeared in Montana in 2002, and the number of annual cases varies widely. “Our mosquito surveillance program and the county and municipal abatement teams are taking appropriate actions to ensure the safety of our residents”.

The study found that different species of leaf litter in standing water influence where Culex pipiens mosquitoes deposit their eggs, how quickly the larvae grow, how big they get and whether they survive to adulthood.

If you have to be outside during times when mosquitoes are out, Dorsett says you should wear long sleeve shirts and trousers and don’t forget to put on insect repellent with DEET.

There are many species of mosquitoes that affect the Lombard area. There is no vaccine to protect against the West Nile virus. “The second is Eastern Equine Encephalitis, and luckily Triple E, as it is also known, is much rarer than West Nile Virus, but it can be more severe”.

West Nile virus which is usually linked to increasing populations of the bugs, is concern in many different pockets across the United States.

Symptoms of West Nile Virus include fever, headache, fatigue and in some cases skin rash on the trunk of the body, swollen lymph glands and eye pain. Anyone who experiences symptoms consistent with WNV should see a physician as soon as possible.

Because the mosquitoes feed on bacteria that grow on leaf litter, the team also measured how native and non-native leaf species influenced bacterial abundance and diversity. In Dallas County West Nile infections reached epidemic levels.

Inman cautioned residents who participate in outdoor activities in the evenings near Merced College, such as jogging.


The location in southwest Ontario where the trap was collected “was not the GM plant”, though City of Ontario officials have been working to get problems with standing water there settled, said Reed Richmond, health educator with Richland Public Health.

Neb Has First 2015 West Nile Case - Sentinel Republic