
Nebraska flags at half-staff to honor Dallas victims

Under Obama, mass shooting victims are frequently memorialized with lowered flags, including five incidents in the previous year: Chattanooga, Tenn., Roseburg., Ore., San Bernardino, Calif., Orlando and Dallas.


He said that he and wife Sue Snyder were grieving and offering up prayers for victims, their families and their colleagues.

The National and State flags shall be lowered immediately and remain at half-staff until the expiration of the President’s national directive until sunset, July 12, 2016. As such, it is fitting that flags should be lowered to half-staff in memory of these dedicated and courageous Texas law enforcement officers who were killed in the line of duty protecting others.

When flown at half-staff or half-mast, the U. “We will not forget”. S. flag should be hoisted first to the peak for an instant and then lowered to the half-staff position.


As required by law, Obama also lowers flags each year for National Police Officers Memorial Day. People sign up to be police officers to protect and to serve the public. “The violence displayed against Dallas law enforcement was a senseless and cowardly act that has no place in our country. We didn’t need this tragedy to be brought home to feel its impact, but still it hurts more this way”, Snyder said.

NH Flags to Half Staff to Honor Murdered Dallas Police Officers