
Needles reportedly found in trick-or-treat candy in Chester County

In central Minnesota, a woman told police she found a needle in her child’s Halloween candy.


Police in suburban Philadelphia are investigating Halloween candy reportedly found with “a needle-type item” inside.

According to the ABC News, police in Philadelphia are investigating reports of “needle-like objects” which were discovered in children’s Halloween candy over the weekend.

Chicopee Police have posted an advisory on their official Facebook page asking residents to check their kids Halloween candy. She wrote the candy was given to her children in the area of St. Margaret’s Church and that her brother-in-law found the object after biting into the candy.

The children went into a pharmacy in during a “trick or treat” tour of the neighbourhood.

Ohio police also reported that a Reynoldsburg girl found a disposable razor inside a candy bar, according to FOX2.

Kennett Square police say they received reports of at least six pieces of candy containing what appeared to be sewing needles. The child had been trick-or-treating in the same area as the other children who reported tainted candy, whose ages range from 7-12.

“An employee just mixed it with the candy by accident and distributed it to the kids”, said Quebec City police.


There were no reports of any injuries caused by the tampered candy. “This additional incident was reported to KSPD the afternoon of Nov 1, 2015”, the Kennett Square police department says through a Facebook post.

Police Investigate Reports Of Sewing Needles Found In Halloween Candy