
Nelson Mandela’s Grandson Arrested, Charged With Rape of 15-Year-Old Girl

Now in police custody, Mbuso will return to the Johannesburg magistrates’ court on Friday for a bail hearing.


The spokesman added that the girl lived with her mother.

Selepe said media reports about the bodyguard incident “was never brought to our attention nor reported”.

The magistrate granted his lawyers a postponement in order for them to thoroughly present their case next week.

Members of the Mandela family were in the cramped courtroom in Johannesburg as Mbuso Mandela appeared in court for the second time this week.

When the girl’s father asked to see the man’s police identification, he had none, according to the spokesman, who told the paper that the man turned out to be one of Madikizela-Mandela’s bodyguards.

Winnie has reportedly said that she would call a press conference and promised to hand her grandson in, but so far neither has happened.

It is reported by the spokesperson that the girl’s family was angered by this attempt at intervening in this investigation.

Under South African law, sex with someone under 16 is classed as rape whether consensual or not. If the accused proves that it was with consent, he still stands to be charged with statutory rape.

Mbuso is the grandson of the late president Nelson Mandela. He is the descended from Nelson’s first wife, Evelyn Mase. Mandela attacked Mlamli Ngudle during an altercation in a street in Mthatha in 2013 after Ngudle allegedly bumped a vehicle belonging to Mandela’s business associates.

The police stated that Mbuso will not be given special treatment because of his family background.

He said they have 20 cameras throughout the establishment, which could have been of some help to their investigation.


More updates on the pending case will be available in the following days.

Mbuso Mandela