
Netanyahu Appointee Apologizes for Calling John Kerry Mentally Deficient

Mr Baratz’s appointment continues to be subject and a number of ministers have said they’ll oppose it.


“His comments were inappropriate and they do not reflect my position or the government’s policy”, Netanyahu said, adding that while he had not chose to overturn the appointment, he would review the appointment upon his return from Washington next week.

An official stated Baratz had apologised to Netanyahu in a telephone dialog and in a press release, Netanyahu distanced himself from the feedback however indicated the appointment remained legitimate.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest has welcomed Baratz’s apology.

Netanyahu announced Baratz’s appointment as his chief spokesman late Wednesday, and soon after, old Facebook posts had emerged in which Baratz suggested that Obama is anti-Semitic and Kerry can not be taken seriously.

He made a post in March, describing Obama’s criticism of Netanyahu’s opposition to the Iran nuclear deal as “the modern face of anti-Semitism in Western and liberal countries”. “These postings were written hastily and sometimes humorously, in a manner appropriate for a private person writing on the Internet”, Baratz said. Malley said the president would ask “how does the prime minister see things going forward” and hear his ideas of “what can be done in the absence of negotiations”.

US and Israeli officials have been holding talks for months on a new 10-year defense agreement, the current pact will expire in 2018.

The White House on Thursday reacted calmly to Baratz’s description of Obama as an anti-Semite, saying his apology “was warranted”. Obama skipped the speech, which sought to persuade USA lawmakers to vote against a deal on Iran’s nuclear programme.

If the Cabinet approves the nomination, Baratz will serve as spokesman for Israeli media and become a close adviser.

Netanyahu believes that Obama is working actively against Israel’s interests, especially where the Iranian nuclear arms deal is concerned. Netanyahu explained that “Ran Baratz apologized and requested to clarify his comments in a meeting which will take place when I return from DC”.

But she also pledged her friendship to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which is eyebrow-raising considering that she was President Barack Obama’s secretary of state. Of course it comes with a lot of tolerance and understanding toward Islamic anti-Semitism. That’s why it’s so important he make clear that, not only is the status quo risky and unacceptable, but that government actions which undermine the two-state solution hurt Israel’s special relationship with the United States.

Last week, Baratz mocked Rivlin for flying back to Israel from the Czech Republic in economy class. “I think it says a lot that the president flies in economy class, goes around the plane and shakes hands with everyone”, Baratz wrote.


Speaking to reporters on a call previewing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Washington next week, officials said that the USA remains committed to the goal of a two-state solution but that they have reached a “realistic assessment” that a negotiated settlement won’t happen in the near future.

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