
Netanyahu Highlights European Double Standard For Israel In Wake Of Paris Terror

That he would blame the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on settlements, elevate Abbas to statesman and suggest Israel has the power to transform Abbas into a partner is not surprising, for it reflects the conventional wisdom about the conflict that has infected administrations long before this one.


The ban comes as Israel tries on several fronts to stop the knife, gun and car-ramming attacks, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu repeatedly declaring that he will pursue those he accused of incitement. The process of altering them can only begin once they are recognized for what they are: a potent obstacle to a peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Hundreds of Israeli Jews entered the compound yet again on the Jewish holiday of Sukkot – with many of them openly praying.

The northern branch of the Islamic Movement belongs to radical Islam and is part of the global “Muslim Brotherhood” movement. Its leader has said it will take legal action against the ban.

This came as forces violently suppressed a rally commemorating the first anniversary of the killing of two Palestinian locals by Israeli police in 2014. Also killed was a Palestinian man, but police said it was unclear if he was hit by the attacker’s fire or that of Israeli forces. And many Israeli communities in historic Judea and Samaria (renamed the “West Bank” of Jordan, after her 1948 aggression) and eastern Jerusalem were justifiably reestablished in Jewish-owned areas from which Jews had been ethnically cleansed in 1948 and prior.

“There are no good terrorists and bad terrorists”, Netanyahu said.

No effect for failure: Although the United States offered economic and security incentives for both to reach an agreement, it lacked a strategic approach and attached no repercussions for failing to reach an agreement.

The Palestinian minister of telecommunication, Allam Mousa, told Xinhua that the decision was a result of years of negotiations between the Palestinians and Israeli side amidst intense Palestinian demands.

But the officer, who was not identified, will serve no time in jail because he “confessed and expressed regret”, the article said.

“This ban will cause friction and resistance”, Smooha said.

Members of Israel’s Arab minority, who make up about 20 percent of the population, have citizenship but suffer widespread discrimination in jobs, housing and social services.

Erdan’s statements reflects Israel’s propensity to obfuscate Palestinians’ political concerns under the rubric of terrorism, as well as this rhetorical move’s increasing currency the wake of ISIS’s attacks in Paris on Saturday.

The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) has accused Israeli troops of consistently attacking its teams in the field, shooting and firing tear gas canisters at them or beating and pepper spraying them.

“When you see what happened in Paris, and what is happening over here, you realize that a democracy that can not defend itself will find it much harder to prevail”, he told Army Radio.

Ghanem said the Shin Bet’s view was based on an assessment that allowing the Islamic Movement to operate “ensured its political activities were more open and more mainstream, and would avoid it being forced underground”.

The Islamic Movement northern branch’s firebrand leader, Sheikh Raed Salah, said last week that his organization intends to respond to what he called “continued Israeli escalation” on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

“We want to show Israel’s Arab citizens, most of whom are law-abiding citizens, that we want to strengthen ties”, he said.


Erdan has called for similar curbs on far-right Jewish groups for anti-Arab hate speech.

Le jeune américano-palestinien Tariq Abu Khdeir qui aurait été battu lors de son arrestation par la police arrive escorté de policiers israéliens à une audience judiciaire au tribunal de Jérusalem le 6 juillet 2014