
Netflix U.K. Blasts Past 5 Million Subscribers

Netflix will increase these users’ subscription cost from £5.99 a month to £7.49, what it now costs for new customers. Those who are paying less than $9.99 per month for a subscription, will have to pay $10 for enjoying the stream of Movies and TV series.


Analysts have estimated that 3-4 percent of users may possibly cancel their Netflix subscription once the price hike takes effect, according to Digital Trends. The change will affect about 17-million customers, or approximately one-third of Netflix’s subscribers.

Until recently Netflix subscribers who signed up early were given a pay freeze on their subscription price. That means that in spite of the rising popularity of streaming services and digital video recorders, cable companies are still looking to bolster profits.

Starting May 1st, Netflix’s standard high definition service will increase by two-dollars a month, to $9.99. Netflix now features dozens of exclusive programs. When the price increase arrives after May 9, this plan will be downgraded to standard quality streaming. Netflix is even cheaper than HBO, and HBO has less to offer, in terms of quantity.

We should note that the premium pricing remains unchanged at $11.99 per month, so if you’re a subscriber who pays extra every month to have Netflix content available on four screens, you have nothing to worry about. His analysis of customer sentiment concluded Netflix could charge as much as $13 per month for its standard Internet plan without hurting its growth.


Some customers in the United Kingdom may still be now paying the original £5.99 per month entry-level price for the HD package.

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