
New Clinton Ad Slams Trump as Poor Role Model

Introducing Trump at a rally in Westfield, Ind., on Tuesday evening, Pence received an enthusiastic reception as he compared Trump to Republican icon Ronald Reagan and dug into Trump’s likely Democrat rival, Clinton.


In Ohio, where the two candidates are tied, 11 percent of the 848 registered voters in the poll were African American, and they broke for Clinton, 88 percent to 0 percent. And in Pennsylvania, it was 43 percent-41 percent for Trump among 982 voters.

Bernie Sanders says he agrees with the harsh remarks that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has made about Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Clinton’s campaign says the Democratic presidential candidate will talk about the importance of uniting the country at the Old State House in Springfield, Illinois, later Wednesday.

“The challenges we face today do not approach those of Lincoln’s time, not even close, and we should be clear about that”, Clinton said.

Connecticut-based Quinnipiac regularly gauges the opinions of voters on candidates and issues in OH and other swing states. The Department of Justice has dropped the case, but several of Clinton’s statements were disputed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which said she was “extremely careless” with classified information.

While a significant percentage – 44% – of white evangelical Republicans viewed Trump as “not too” or “not at all” religious in a January Pew poll, more than 6 in 10 believe Trump understands their needs “very” or “fairly” well.

Trump is said to have narrowed his short list down to a trio of top contenders, including Pence. Clinton had trust issues with the Benghazi controversy, and the email server issue just raised more questions from voters.

But he is also making progress with other important voting blocs.

Trump also leads Clinton by 17 points among white voters and 21 points among men.

Clinton said the conversations about race and policing are happening against a bigger economic backdrop that’s stripped many Americans of their “security and dignity” and led to deep divisions.


Both candidates are expected to campaign aggressively in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida ahead of the November election. In Pennsylvania, Clinton holds a solid advantage, topping Trump by a margin of 45 percent to 36 percent.

Embracing Lincoln, Clinton to urge nation to fix divisions