
New combat footage of Final Fantasy XV shows off Niflheim Base

If you are a huge fan of the Final Fantasy franchise and can’t go a day without playing a Final Fantasy title, we have news for you.


It was confirmed when the release date will be announced in March during Square Enix‘s Active Time Report presentation earlier this week. We’re told that she’s a “skilled aerial combatant, known as “Dragoon” within the Imperial military”. Watch it and then give us your new renewed thoughts on the game given that it looks considerably different from the last build.

Square Enix have released new combat footage of Final Fantasy XV, showing Noctis and the rest of his team infiltrating Niflheim Base, a previously unrevealed location.

Final Fantasy XV is set for release this year on both PS4 and Xbox One. After Weekly Jump scans of Final Fantasy 15’s magic combat leaked a week ago, gamers believed the January ATR event would focus on more battle footage than the past Final Fantasy 15 events have, and they were right.

The event will be open to the public and fans will be able to RSVP on the official Final Fantasy Uncovered site beginning on Friday, February 5 at 4:00 p.m. PT. The event will also be streamed live on Square Enix’s YouTube and Twitch channels.


Overall, the date of release for “Final Fantasy XV” is yet to be revealed.

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