
New Cruz ad hits Trump on eminent domain

The national spokesman for Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign is calling the Donald Trump campaign “the Seinfeld candidacy”, because as he puts it, “The whole campaign is about nothing”.


It also shows footage of Coking saying about Trump, “Heart?”

It then cuts to a clip of John Stossel, then an ABC News reporter, interviewing Trump, stating the businessman is bullying people and using his “cronies” in power to his advantage.

‘His approach to eminent domain is just one example and this ad is a fun and impactful illustration of how Trump tried to abuse eminent domain in the past for his own personal benefit, ‘ she said.

Trump, the ad claims, “bankrolled politicians to steamroll the little guy, a pattern of sleaze stretching back decades”. It then noted how Trump has remained supportive of eminent domain on the campaign trail. Cruz started attacking Trump for his support for the procedure by which the government can seize land for public projects started before the Iowa caucuses last month, when Cruz hit Trump for supporting eminent domain in front of New Hampshire voters and later released an ad citing Coking’s case.

WASHINGTON (CNN) – Donald Trump is pulling an ad hitting Ted Cruz for his stance on immigration and replacing it with a positive spot in SC. “Why would we want them in our president?”

Trump has denied taking the woman’s property, while defending eminent domain use as “an absolute necessity”.

At a campaign event in New Hampshire on Monday, Trump used a vulgar term to portray Cruz as weak, because the Texas senator expressed opposition to the broad use of waterboarding to interrogate terrorism suspects.

Ahead of the next Republican primary in SC on February 20, Trump maintains a sizable lead over Cruz, according to recent polling averages compiled by RealClear Politics.


“Right now, while nothing’s definite in this business, anything can happen, I would say the odds are it’s gonna be a Trump-Cruz race to the finish, sooner or later”, King said.
