
New DNC boss also bashed Sanders in leaked emails

On Friday, July 22, as Hillary Clinton was about to announce her 2016 running mate, Tim Kaine, there were nearly 20,000 emails released by Wikileaks, providing information such as embarrassing inside look at Democratic Party operations on the eve of the Democrats’ national convention, The Washington Post reported.


Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager says there’s no comparison between the disunity at the Republican convention and the state of the Democratic Party.

As the US Democratic party convention in Philadelphia opened on Monday to formally choose a presidential candidate, WikiLeaks released almost 20,000 e-mails from the party’s governing group which reveal the National Committee’s been busy mudslinging at opponents and even its own members.

Wasserman Schultz announced Sunday she would step down from the party chairmanship after the convention this week. NBC 6’s Steve Litz has the latest from Philadelphia.

But like many other Sanders’ delegates, Hagan said he will work to elect Clinton president, because Trump is unqualified. “It is not going to be a hate filled week.

We are going to see something very different at the Democratic convention”.

The Democrats are in a total meltdown but the biased media will say how great they are doing!

Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, right, is embraced by an audience member while posing for a photo at a campaign event at Miles College Saturday, Feb. 27, 2016, in Fairfield, Ala. “I don’t think it’s coincidental that these emails were released on the eve of our convention”, Mook said.

In one of the largest rallies planned for the day, a pro-Bernie Sanders group is expected to walk across the Ben Franklin Bridge, which connects Camden, New Jersey, with Philadelphia.

The constant controversies led many in the party to believe that Wasserman Schultz had become more of a distraction than an effective leader of the party.

“I think as well, I come from a part of OH that’s the strongest voting Democratic bloc in the state”, she added. There appeared to be no consensus among the Sanders delegates of how they would influence the convention and some suggested they may turn their backs on Virginia Sen.

“As long as they stay within the rules, they can say anything they want”, she said.

Fudge said she wants to give Sanders’ backers a lot of leeway to express themselves.

“I think this will help further the things that he’s fighting for”, said Frank Burns, 58, who lives nearby in Pennsylvania. Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a progressive favorite, would deliver the convention keynote.

The first lady’s address is scheduled to close Monday’s session. But they face lingering bitterness among supporters of defeated rival Bernie Sanders and a fresh political mess of the party’s own making.

He sidestepped questions about the role of ousted Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s role at the convention.

“The party now needs new leadership that will open the doors of the party and welcome in working people and young people”, Sanders said in a statement following the Florida congresswoman’s announcement. Her departure comes a few days after the publication of 19,000 hacked emails, which the Vermont senator said confirmed his belief the national party played favorites for Clinton during the primary.


Democrats are hoping to avoid the sort of overt signs of dissent that plagued the Republican National Convention in Cleveland last week.

Hillary Clinton speaks at a rally in Entertainment Hall at the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa