
New donors give Clinton a big boost in fundraising in July

A Republican congressman on Tuesday became the first in his party to officially throw his support behind Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.


“I’m voting for her because I don’t believe it’s enough to say you aren’t for Donald Trump”, said.

Fifty percent think negatively of Clinton compared to 36 percent who view her positively, the poll said, adding that positive number has increased by five points and the negative one decreased by six points.

United States president Barack Obama has said Donald Trump is unfit to succeed him on the day a Republican member of Congress broke ranks with his party and endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.

In an op-ed piece, Representative Richard Hanna of NY cited Trump’s attacks on the parents, calling the candidate “deeply flawed in endless ways”, “unrepentant” and “self-involved”.

“I think this might be a campaign issue in terms of the 22nd district”.


Hanna, in an interview with, said it was Trump’s war of words with the parents of a Muslim soldier killed in Iraq that solidified his support for Clinton, and prompted him to write the opinion piece. John McCain of Arizona in their GOP primaries. “That matters. Mrs. Clinton has promoted numerous issues I have been committed to over the years including expanding education and supporting women’s health care”. “I will be hopefull and resolute in my belief that being a good American who loves his country is far more important than parties or winning and losing”, said Hanna. I trust she can lead. “This is unheard of for Republicans, $35.8 million”, Trump said during a rally in Ohio Monday. The Democratic presidential nominee was at 42%, while Trump was at 38%, Johnson had 9% and Stein was at 4%. Sally Bradshaw, who was a long-time adviser to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R), announced last week that she was leaving the GOP ― and may even vote for Clinton if the race in Florida is close.

Donald Trump Rally Kid Yells ‘Take That B**** Down’ In Reference To Hillary Clinton