
New England governors, eastern Canadian premiers meet

Perhaps fittingly so, when four New England governors and five eastern Canadian premiers met the press Monday to take questions following a daylong summit largely devoted to renewable energy and global cooperation, the first question was about Donald Trump.


The annual meeting lets governors and premiers discuss issues of common interest, with energy, the environment, and climate change expected to be some of the major topics this year.

MacLauchlan says he expects a fair bit of discussion on renewable energy and what Eastern Canada can offer. At the same time, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court recently struck a blow to the expansion of natural gas in New England and Canada when it ruled that Massachusetts electric companies could not charge customers for the cost of building natural gas pipelines.

“We are now in the process of working with our colleagues from CT and Rhode Island on a three state procurement of hydro and wind from Canada, upstate NY and Maine which I think has the potential to help us to reduce our carbon footprint”, Baker said.

The six New England governors and premiers of the five eastern Canadian provinces met in Boston Sunday and Monday for the 40th Conference of the New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers. They have been meeting since 1973. Murphy says state and provincial leaders arrived for a reception last night and today they’ll get down to business.

What, a Canadian journalist from Montreal’s La Presse newspaper asked, would the election of Trump as president do to the relationship between the United States and Canada?

Baker has said he will not vote in the presidential race and does not think Trump has the temperament to be president.

The New England governors and Eastern Canadian premiers praised their working relationship Monday as they wrapped up an annual meeting in Boston that they described as a continuation of talks started previous year on energy and climate change.


New Hampshire Governor Margaret Wood Hassan is running for a seat in the Senate, while Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo was a co-chair of the Democratic National Convention.
