
New Game of Thrones season 6 trailer released

There are some spoilers if you haven’t caught up with your Game of Thrones episodes, so be advised.


In a short teaser, Jon Snow’s body is seen as Liam Cunningham’s character Ser Davos seemingly protects him from members of the Night’s Watch – who are attempting to break in. “The real war is between the living and the dead”, Davos says in the trailer. Unless you’ve been in prison with Cersei, you’ve heard that Season 6 has been stirring controversy and excitement long before its HBO debut, for all sorts of reasons. Eastern time; hopefully, this is not going to be the last bit of new material we get on this season before the premiere… stay tuned.

The first full trailer for season six of the gritty drama shows Kit Harington’s Jon Snow still very much dead.

But, up to this point, there have been viewers of the show who have known the different paths the show would take, given their familiarity with the George R.R. Martin’s novels.

Unsurprisingly, HBO has once again found a way to tease fans with new footage while giving away absolutely nothing, especially concerning the fate of Jon Snow.

A second trailer for the upcoming season of Game of Thrones was released today, and showed off what looks to be a season filled with violence, betrayal, dragons, and legions of the undead. Back in Season 4, Tyrion nearly met his death when he was blamed for the death of his nephew, King Joffery.

Scandal and Django Unchained actress Kerry Washington tweeted a screenshot of her iPhone, after she asked Siri if Snow was alive. The biggest surprise is we may see The Hound (Rory McCann) making an appearance in season six.


This is technology at its finest because, one, someone genuinely, seriously programmed Siri to recognize this phrase, and two, Siri clearly has human qualities and feels as terrible for Ghost, Jon Snow’s wolf, as the rest of us do.

Jon Snow in'Game of Thrones