
New Ghostbusters cast shakes off criticism to revive classic story

Ghostbusters is really less about the original film and more about the chemistry between Feig and McCarthy, or perhaps Feig and the amusing actors that populate his films. The film was greenlit and a script was in the works – which, by the way, featured a mixed gender cast – but it wasn’t going all that smoothly. He delivers numerous movie’s best gags, nearly to the point where the film lingers on him for a bit too long…


The Ghostbusters movie stars Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Melissa McCarthy and Leslie Jones and features Chris Hemsworth as the new secretary, Andy Garcia as the Mayor of New York City, Michael K. Williams and Matt Walsh as all-new characters and Neil Casey as the film’s villain.

Addressing one of the first version’s shortcomings, Feig and writer Katie Dippold have sharpened the threat by introducing a human bad guy seeking to trigger this apparitional apocalypse.

Asked whether she was surprised at criticism aimed at the film before its release, Jones replied: “Yeah because it’s stupid”. Nothing I can say will convince these people that it’s okay that people who lack a Y chromosome are qualified to fight fictional creatures. Yet despite various attempts to politicize it, like most remakes or sequels, the primary motivation here was capitalism, not feminism, in a movie that aspires to be escapist fun.

She said: “I think it’s always incredibly powerful when we see, in films and in art, the women that we are surrounded by”. Some have been good (like Finding Nemo) while others have been underwhelming at best. We won’t get a “Star Trek Beyond” style tweet from the cast, pleading the fans to not judge the film on this trailer they didn’t enjoy, and just wait till it comes out.

For Wiig, it was “an easy yes”. This summer, they’re here to save the world!

“It really felt like we were being blessed in such a way that we were all part of this thing together”.

“But we changed what was said”, Kristen Wiig said in the interview.

Ramis also gets a little tribute, which eagle-eyed viewers will surely spot.

We know the rebooted Ghostbusters is all about the women – but that doesn’t mean it’s a bloke-free zone. So who are they gonna call?

The cast has a similarly removed and bemused view of the hate. “And because of that, it just added a lot of extra scenes that as you’re going through, you have to make a lot of choices because I knew I had to bring this down under two hours”.

However awkward, that odd meta-moment is, sadly, one of the few signs of flamboyance, of a personal stamp, in the film. She deadpans. “I am more of a delicate flower and don’t read it”. “But we tried not to think too much about that stuff”.


Speaking with Reitman last week, however, he explained much of what Ghost Corps will do with Ghostbusters up is in the air.
