
New Hampshire Results: What to Watch For This Evening

“Jeb is having some kind of a breakdown, I think”, Mr Trump told CNN, calling Mr Bush, the son and brother of presidents, a spoiled child and an embarrassment to his family.


The poll indicates that undeclared voters who do want to participate in Tuesday’s elections are about evenly split on which party’s contest they’d rather participate in, with 47% choosing the Democrats, 46% the Republicans and 7% still not sure.

The billionaire also swatted away Bush’s claim to being the only GOP candidate willing to stand toe-to-toe with Trump on the debate stage.

Heated exchanges between Florida Senator Marco Rubio and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie also received a lot of attention, while John Kasich’s calm demeanor also drew interest.

Trump is in the lead of the Republican race – and he’ll need to finish that way if he doesn’t want to be the loser that he’s branding opponents.

On paper, Trump and Sanders are in good shape but as we saw in last week’s Iowa caucuses – with Cruz taking the top spot among the GOP and Sanders coming within a few voters of front runner Clinton – we really won’t know what will happen until after the votes are tallied.

Though the polls show Christie languishing in the single-digits in New Hampshire a day before voting, Christie has made the case that his performance in this weekend’s debate shook up the field and harked back to Bill Clinton’s 1992 comeback in the Granite State.

But the last Republican debate on Saturday went relatively well for Trump. His problem is it may be too late.

Unpredictable and known for last-minute decisions, New Hampshire voters had been expected to help winnow the crowded Republican primary, clarifying which of the candidates would emerge as the strongest alternative to front-runners Trump and Texas Sen.

The trouble for Rubio began soon after the debate started when the ABC News moderators asked Christie about Rubio’s experience in the US Senate, and Christie pressed his case.

Which candidate is “the best”, who’s the most experienced, who’s a revolutionary and who’s a robot?

Rubio’s defence was that his and Obama’s world views are different, not that Obama has simply led the country down the path it is on because of inexperience. “He knows exactly what he’s doing”, Rubio said.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But even after Chris Christie called you out for what he called canned speeches, 25-second canned speeches, you repeated again, he says, there you go again.

“There it is. There it is”.

“I have no idea what they’re talking about or who they are talking to”, Clinton, responding to the report, said on MSNBC.


A version of this article appears in print on February 08, 2016 of The Himalayan Times.

Republican presidential candidate former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush steps off his bus as he arrives at a campaign event Monda in Nashua N.H