
New Harry Potter book to be released at midnight

A spellbinding time lies ahead for Harry Potter fans when the latest book in the series is launched tonight.


Asked about Broadway plans, she told reporters: “I’d love it to go wider than that”.

“[It] chimed perfectly with the material I had about the next generation and I could see it would work perfectly”, she said.

Theatre producer Sonia Friedman said “many countries” could get a chance to see the play in future years.

“We celebrate Harry Potter’s birthday every year, even when there aren’t cool release parties like this”, said Heidi Daren, “So tomorrow we’ll be having Harry Potter cake”.

Featuring plenty of twists and surprises, audience members were handed #KeepTheSecrets badges on their way out.

“It’s been lock and key here, we haven’t been able to have access to it, but as soon as all the customers are gone I know all the booksellers will probably be surreptitiously reading it themselves”.

“‘What we’d really like most of all is to bring people into the theatre who’ve never been to the theatre before”.

In celebration of the script book release, Pottermore wrote up a memory-filled look at Potter midnight book releases in the past, recalling nights filled with anticipation as fans lined up dressed as their favorite characters, wand in-hand as they counted down the minutes with their fellow Potter aficionados. Potter’s youngest son, Albus, is shown struggling with his family’s legacy.

Daily Telegraph critic Dominic Cavendish said “British theatre hasn’t known anything like it for decades”.


The two-part play stretches over five hours and was co-devised by Rowling, written by Thorne and directed by Tiffany.

Whitcoulls assistant manager Maria Swensson and salesperson Sam Blackmun with Harry Potter enthusiast Kiri Diack