
New Hero and major changes coming to PS4 and Xbox One

The biggest changes have been made to D.Va, Mercy and Zenyatta, but Roadhog, Soldier: 76, McCree, Lucio and Bastion have also been tweaked. She is the mother of Overwatch hero Pharah, and is armed with a Biotic Rifle – meaning she can heal allies, and harm enemies. She is a support sniper with a history with the Widowmaker. But as Ana was only available to Blizzard‘s Public Test Realm program, people are expecting it to be on PCs and finally, the developers of Blizzard have confirmed the fact that Ana will be live to all PC players, with some few modifications for the online multiplayer shooters. That doesn’t mean, however, that she has a hard time shooting enemies in the face. She is also equipped with a Biotic Grenade, which also heals her allies and damages her opponents in a small area radius.


In more upbeat Overwatch news, code-vestigators recently discovered clues to a potential 23rd character in the game, the long-rumoured Sombra.

Overwatch players on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will have to wait a little longer for the character, which is becoming the standard for Blizzard roll-outs.

Some characters that were lagging behind, like D.Va and Zenyatta, received improvements to entice players to use them more, and others were fine-tuned to either slightly boost or lower the effectiveness of certain aspects.


Because of the glitch, PS4 players are finding themselves back at level 1, which can be disheartening given the amount of work that goes into leveling a character. As for Loot Boxes, some players said they are seeing some that they shouldn’t have. Ana is the first one to be added.

Overwatch’s New Hero Is Live for All PC Players