
New housing minister possible with Lewis in running for cabinet role

Britain, which is in the midst of a storm following a national referendum that voted to exit from the European Union, is all set to have its second-ever woman Prime Minister Theresa May.


Teresa has been trending in the United Kingdom for much of the day after Andrea Leadsom withdrew from the Tory leadership race, giving the current Home Secretary Theresa a clear run at 10 Downing Street.

Many people who took to twitter and Facebook typed Teresa May instead of Theresa May and the porn star was bombarded with the congratulations messages.

Teresa May was congratulated so many times for becoming the new Prime Minister on Twitter that she had to clarify it on her Twitter bio and said, “I am a UK Glamour Model, not the Prime Minister”.

This is glamour model Teresa May.

“I find it quite amusing how many people think I’m #TheresaMay the Prime Minister”, the porn star posted to Twitter on Monday afternoon.

“Theresa has been very clear that the British people have spoken and that “Brexit means Brexit” and I am sure that she will appoint to her cabinet a cross section of ministers from both sides of the debate to ensure unity going forwards”.


Her 59-year-old political namesake is around a decade older.

CORRECTED-FACTBOX-Theresa May joins small but growing band of women world leaders