
New Humble Mobile Bundle offers refreshing variety

In addition to getting the source code for a bunch of games made on GameMaker Studio, for a mere $15, you will get access to GameMaker Studio: Pro and iOS, Windows UWP, HTML5, and Android modules for the program. The Humble Mobile Bundle 20 has landed, and along with it comes some fan favorites that are sure to whittle away at your free time.


The aptly named Humble Mobile Bundle 20 consists of three tiers in total. If you’ve never experienced them before, Humble Bundles help support charity, in this case Doctors without Borders, where you can choose how much you want to pay and how you want your funds directed (split between the Developers, Charity and Humble themselves).

If you pay $5 (roughly Rs. 330), you will not only get the games mentioned above, but will also get mobile games Space Grunts and Cosmonautica.

You will of course need to side-load the games as they’re provided as APKs, but that’s not too great a chore.

Anyway, beat the average price ($4.37 at time of writing) and you’ll also receive Always Sometimes Monsters and Shooting Stars. It will keep you busy for ages folks.

The twentieth Humble Mobile Bundle is bringing some awesome mobile games to your Android.


The Humble Bundle has dabbled in game creation tools before, but today marks its first foray into GameMaker.

Humble Mobile Bundle 20 for Android Features Tomb Raider 1 and 2 Last Horizon and More for $1