
New Jersey Daycare Center Apologizes for Workers’ Alleged ‘Fight Club’ for Kids

Erica Kenny, 22, of Cranford and Chanese White, 28, of Roselle both are charged with fourth-degree child abuse for the alleged fights at the Lightbridge Academy daycare center on South Avenue East, acting Union County Prosecutor Grace Park said.


This came as particular shock to Rantz, who said of Izzy, “He’s quite verbal”.

The Union County Prosecutor’s Office sent a press release stating one of the women is accused of “recording video of the fights with her cell phone and sharing the video clips with several friends on social media via the Snapchat app”, according to People.

I left New Jersey three years ago and, in the absence of my watchful eye, it became America’s Sodom and Gomorrah, waiting for whatever God may exist to pass his or her judgment and burn the city to the ground. “I’m now staying home with the kiddos and working part time. You can’t trust anybody”. “I want to go home and ask my son if he saw anything like this”. Although none of the children suffered any known serious injuries, the news is concerning parents.

And to make matters worse, one of these wonderful employees had no problem videotaping as many as a dozen little ones beating each other up, because that’s what makes for a great viral video these days (insert eye roll). She said they looked at five other facilities before settling on Lightbridge Academy, which she described as super clean and friendly. “We are still investigating the case”, Park said.

The daycare center issued a statement after the women were charged on Tuesday, The Associated Press reported. Below is an excerpt. “We have a zero tolerance policy for anyone who acts in conflict with the core value of Lightbridge Academy-the safety and well being of children”.


‘We terminated the employment of these staff members and have maintained open communication with our parents throughout this process’.
