
New League of Legends loot system will be closed to toxic players

Once that’s implemented in League of Legends, the developers will determine how to best introduce the new chest and key combination for loot drops, presumably during the first few months of next year. This is the first time League of legends has rewarded new character skins for free.


It’s something that Riot Games, the chaps behind League of Legends have been trying to actively combat for ages now, with a system that seeks out and bans toxic players.

Though Riot is working out exactly at what point a player will not get loot, Lin confirmed that if you’re tagged for negative behaviour regularly, you won’t get any items in game. As part of the slew of updates coming in 2016, they will take the battle up a notch by locking toxic players out of some of the core game systems – loot and crafting. The latest move is anticipated to further boost Riot Games’ fight against toxic players. Unfortunately, there are players who quit in the middle of the game or those who intentionally feed to throw game out of balance, jeopardizing the team’s farming and winning. “We’ve never been able to give skins for free before in League of Legends, so this is our way of saying, ‘Hey, if you’re a positive player in the game, here’s your way of earning something just for playing the game and being awesome'”. He also adds, “We really want the system to be a reward”.

Lin explained that Riot has never withheld such a major feature from players based exclusively on their behavior, and the studio wants “to see what global sentiment and feedback is on that”. According to Lin, this system is the top priority of Riot Games moving forward and is expected to launch along with a long list of changes in 2016. They announced earlier this year that more serious forms of abuse, such as racist, sexist, or homophobic comments, had dropped to a low of only affecting 2% of games thanks to the Tribunal and other systems.


These chests will gift the user a variety of treats from seven-day rentals for new characters to skin unlocks.

League of Legends Will Lock Toxic Players Out of New Loot Systems