
New Mexico governor hits Trump over Gold Star mother remarks

VoteVets, a group of families of service members, issued a statement calling Trump’s remarks “repugnant and personally offensive to us”.


Donald Trump is fighting back against a USA soldier’s father who called out the presidential candidate at the Democratic National Convention.

“I can not emphasize enough how deeply I disagree with Mr. Trump’s statements”, McCain, a POW during Vietnam, said in a statement Monday.

“I claim no moral superiority over Donald Trump”, McCain said, adding that Trump should be setting an example for the country and his party.

The Republican presidential nominee is locked in a feud with Khizr and Ghazala Khan, whose son was killed in Iraq by a suicide bomber in 2004.

Last Thursday, his father Khizr and his wife Ghazala appeared at the Democratic national convention to speak about their opposition to Trump’s proposed ban on Muslim immigration.

“Offering Donald Trump political advice is not the same thing as rebuking his awful comments about a war hero’s family”, Hayden said.

The outcry was swift and bipartisan, leaving Trump largely isolated among his fellow Republicans and potentially putting at risk whatever progress he made during his convention.

And while Brown said he knows how Trump “feels about the men and women who’ve given their lives” and stood by his support of the media mogul, he expressed frustration that Trump had shot himself in the foot once again by insulting the family of a slain soldier.

“South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, Mr Trump’s former primary opponent, said: “‘Unacceptable’ doesn’t even begin to describe it”.

During last week’s Democratic convention, Khan assailed Trump for proposals that would bar Muslim entry into the United States and may not have allowed his son into the United States had they been in place.

Trump made an offhand remark on Sunday about Ghazala Khan, the mother of Iraq War veteran Captain Humayun Khan, standing silent on the stage in Philadelphia while her husband, Khizr, memorialized their son.

Black said Trump and his running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, have clarified via social media that Humayun Khan “is an American hero and that his family, like every Gold Star family, is deserving of our respect”. The Khan family immigrated to the USA from Pakistan.


“This candidate amazes me”, Khan said on NBC’s Today show.

Senator John McCain. 
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