
New Mexico health officials confirm first case of Zika virus

Health authorities with the help of the Cuban army fumigate against the Aedes aegypti mosquito to prevent the spread of zika, chikungunya and dengue in a street of Havana, on February 23. Before the confirmed case, Cuba had reportedly had more than 9,000 soldiers, police and university students working to eliminate mosquitoes through fumigation and reducing standing water.


A Long Island hospital has opened a clinic for anxious parents-to-be who are concerned that they may have been infected with the Zika virus. They reportedly experienced an onset of illness, described as skin rash, conjunctivitis, fatigue, chills, headache, and muscle aches, upon their return to CT.

The most common countries visited by the patients were Haiti, El Salvador, Colombia, Honduras and Guatemala, the CDC reported. They sent the man’s blood to Colorado to be tested by the CDC. Friday’s result is the first positive test in the state. Now so far, no mosquitoes in Oklahoma have been found to be carriers of Zika, and health officials say a Zika outbreak is unlikely. Officials say there is no reason to believe anyone else has been infected.

Three Alabama residents have already been infected with the virus.

The new risk analysis did have one important caveat, however. Communications Secretary Hermilio Coloma Jr. has clarified that the United States travel alert over Zika virus advises people visiting the country to practice enhanced precautions. “I’m saddened to hear a CT resident who traveled to a Zika-affected area contracted the disease, and wish the patient a speedy recovery”, said U.S. Sen. It has been linked with mothers with a history of Zika infection during the pregnancy. Other travelers have also been warned to proceed with caution when traveling.

“At this time, due to the possible association between Zika virus infection and babies born with microcephaly”, it reads, “pregnant women and those planning a pregnancy should avoid travel to the Olympics”. About 165 of the cases involve pregnant women; 44 of these women have delivered without any complications or abnormalities.


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