
New mum told her post-baby body was ‘inappropriate’ for a bikini

Sinclair took the opportunity to tell the woman she was proud of her body for doing “something amazing” and creating a “beautiful miracle”.


‘To be honest, I don’t give a tiny rats ass what other men, or a prissy twit like you think. “Nothing. And for woman like her, just because she may be ashamed of her body after pregnancy, doesn’t mean you or anyone else should”. Have a nice day, though.

Lexi, who is from Kansas City, Missouri, was horrified at being laid into by a fellow woman – who was apparently anxious that pervy men might not approve of what they saw. One user wrote: “I love this! people are insane! any woman/mother should have the confidence to wear whatever they want! and you look great!”

According to her post on Facebook, which was shared over 23,000 times, a middle-aged woman went up to her and started a conversation about her adorable little boy. “Ignore the lady and the guys who supposedly said some also”. “You are lovely inside and out”, one commenter said. Another user, Honest Mum wrote, “You look fantastic”.

And April Schafer said: “Chin up butter cup, you look great!”

Dozens of people have responded to her post, many offering supportive comments. “He says after reading my post, she feels lovely again and he loves how happy I’ve made her again”. Just mind your own business, people. “Good on you for saying what you did”.

Lexi later joked she thought about hitting her – but, after taking a deep breath, delivered a calm and collected response.

“Trying to be a better person since I have a kid now though. I’ve seen much worse lol”.

A young woman from Cornwall found her Facebook post going viral for similar reasons last month after she overheard Superdrug workers sniggering at her shorts. “Never in a million years did I expect this kind of response”, she wrote on her wall.


It can be hard enough to get your body out when you’re at your peak, but one woman who’s recently had a baby made a decision to rock a bikini – and came under fire for it. “I’m glad I could help boost so many other women’s confidence!” Lexi asserts that anyone “who’s a little bigger, or smaller than what the expected norm is” can empathize.

Mother Sends Perfect Message to Pathetic Body Taunter