
New Pokemon, Free-For-All Battle Mode Revealed in Sun/Moon Trailer

More mature characters, more vibrant landscapes and compeltely retooled user interfaces to make for a more seamless experience, says Pokemon Sun and Moon director Junichi Masuda.


Finally, we learned about Pokemon GO’s connectivity options. This isn’t only valuable for players who want to battle Pokemon as efficiently as possible, but it also helps players who want to be careful and not faint Pokemon they’re trying to catch.

The new mode will allow players to face up to three opponents in a free-for-all battle.

This Battle Royal format isn’t going to be about brute force.

Nintendo still isn’t done with their E3 presentations yet, as the second day of the Treehouse stream has begun.

Long have trainers in Pokemon been confined to battling one on one. This seems to be the hot new thing in the game, or at least an amusing side game for you to play. It would obviously be colored in in the final design, and there was a lot of Pokemon fan art going around on line guessing what it would look like.

The new Mythical Pokemon is Magearna – half-fairy, half-steel. In order to evolve your Pokemon, you need to collect Pokemon candy by catching the same versions of those Pokemon.

It was confirmed that Pokemon’s trainers will remain on the battle screen during Pokemon battles. This new Pokemon has already been introduced in the previous “Pokemon Sun and Moon” trailers as reported by iDigital Times, although the CoroCoro magazine provided more extra information about the new rock-type Pokemon.


Trainers will also experience a different feel during the battles as new animations have also been added.

The Pokemon GO Plus companion device is displayed