
New poll shows Cruz leading Trump in Indiana

Trump responded on Twitter on Saturday morning by calling the protesters “thugs” and “criminals”: “They should be dealt with strongly by law enforcement!” he said.


Cruz has fought particularly hard to win the Hoosier State, which is seen as demographically more favorable to him than other remaining primary states. Her syntax is not flawless because she is Persian. “We believe we have the votes to run the table”, he said, so even a state party slate made up primarily of Cruz supporters with some Trump backers was a “compromise” from their perspective”.

The “part” Trump has been playing? “And somewhere in between, he said he’ll vote for Cruz”, Trump said on “Fox and Friends” on Sunday, according to Politico. It’s “a tougher road for a Republican than it is for a Democrat”.

On Monday, Cruz will appear at rallies organized by the Keep the Promise PAC in Fort Wayne and Indianapolis. Cruz called them both “New York liberals”. “Republicans will never beat Hillary in Florida”. “Would I win – could I win – without it?” Given the way that Trump trounced Sen.

In Virginia, Cruz supporters won 10 of 13 delegate slots selected at a state convention, The Washington Post reported.

Dhillon also touched on California’s “jungle” primary system, which allows for the top two vote-getters to compete for every legislative position, including Congress, even if they are from the same party. “The Trump button got checked more than any other, so why do we have so few delegates?” In a recent poll, 15 percent of Hispanic voters have a favorable view of you, 81 percent unfavorable.

Trump got lots of laughs when he joked about Kasich’s eating during press availabilities. As Temple told me, the California primary involves 172 delegates.

A protester with an anti-Trump poster outside the hotel where Donald Trump was speaking in California. Three are superdelegates to the Republican National Committee. We discussed the great progress taking place in Indiana’s economy and how our state needs a partner in the White House. Arizona Governor Doug Ducey attends the Arizona Republican 2016 state convention at the Mesa Convention Center Saturday, April 30, 2016.

Pence, who endorsed Cruz on Friday while also commending Trump, recorded a radio ad for the Cruz campaign. And many Republicans are now convinced he’ll win the nomination.

At least 22 of the 27 delegates elected Saturday were included on Trump’s slate of preferred delegates, which could help him avoid losing votes on a second or subsequent ballot at the convention.


Just in case you’ve lost the thread here: Cruz’s answer to the question of whether he would support Trump as the Republican nominee is that the media is protecting Trump from any real competition because the executives at the cable networks – ratings be damned! – are partisans who want to rig the race for Clinton.

Trump Cruz debate start