
New Poll: Trump’s Lead Over Cruz Shrinks

Ted Cruz is snapping at his heels.


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A rocket flying toward the ground is usually a bad sign, but for aerospace company SpaceX , it was a huge success . Here’s an expanding galley of photos and video for the Dec 21, 2015 launch and landing at Cape Canaveral.

That’s because a survey for private news service Missouri Scout conducted by Remington Research shows Trump ahead of his conservative competitors among likely Missouri Republican primary voters.

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Plus, New Shepard only went 62 miles up, while Falcon 9 flew 124 miles above Earth, traveling much faster than the Bezos machine. Commercial spaceflight company SpaceX accomplished launching a rocket with a group of communications satellites into orbit.

Fifty percent of American voters say they would be “embarrassed” if Donald Trump were president, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll.

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In the race for the GOP nomination, the poll finds Sen. Ted Cruz at 23 percent. Other Republicans apparently pose greater threats to the GOP: Cruz and Clinton tie at 44 percent each, and Clinton only beats Rubio 44 percent to 43 percent. According to the poll, 58 percent who named a candidate say they could change their mind.

This is a big move for Cruz – eight points in three weeks for the Q-poll series. The poll also shows Rubio and Carson sinking 5 and 6 points over the last month, respectively. Chris Christie holds 6% and Jeb Bush with 4%. No one else’s support changed even close to the margin of error, and the same 8% still don’t have a candidate preference. He’s doing better than Ben Carson on this question, who has slipped to negative numbers overall, 36/38.

Cruz’s travails in the aftermath of that debate may have been more telling.

Thirty-five percent of those surveyed said they would feel embarrassed by a Clinton presidency, while 33 percent said they would be proud.

61 – 34 percent that he does not share their values. Forty-seven percent of independents say they would be “embarrassed” by Trump, but 44 percent of Republicans say they would be proud of him.


Looking forward to the election, 59 percent of those polled say Hillary Clinton “would have a good chance of defeating the Republican nominee in the general election for President”.

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