
New Polls Have Liberals Poise To Win Minority

They voted for and helped provide legitimacy to the Conservatives’ draconian Bill C-51, which vastly strengthens the arbitrary powers of the national-security apparatus, including giving the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) the right to break virtually any law when disrupting alleged threats to Canada’s national and economic security.


The battle for Quebec is a four-way race with the Liberals enjoying a small lead with 29 per cent over the Conservatives with 26 per cent, the NDP at 24 per cent and the Bloc at 20 per cent. Wright said one irony of this election has been the approval ratings for the government have been relatively strong at 43 per cent. “It doesn’t make sense”. The effect of that would normally either be a new election or a possible new government formed by one or more parties, such as the Liberals or the NDP.

“What I hear often is, ‘Mike’s a nice guy, but he’s running for Stephen Harper, so therefore he shares those values, and those aren’t the values I share, ‘” said Gould, an Oxford grad who worked most recently as a trade commissioner in Canada for the Mexican government. The Green Party is well behind at three per centThe Conservatives have a sizeable lead in Alberta with 50 per cent – 20 points more than the Liberals at 30 per cent. The NDP has 19 per cent support and the Green Party has one per cent, according to the poll. Repeating the fact that the federal party has no control over the provincial government fails to win support.

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau said Tuesday voters have multiple choices. “Marie and nationally and people see us as the party best able to end 10 years of Conservative government…we’re getting progressive voters from all over coming our way to see us as the way of bringing that hope and real change back to the community”.

Much of that stimulus will go into infrastructure, billions of dollars more than even the Conservatives have pledged to build roads, bridges, public transit – and jobs.

To arrive at his recommendations, Abdel-Rahman looks at polling in individual ridings, if available, then he looks at the 2011 election results and compares them with projections on

During their stop in Markham, Harper and family had just embarked on a ride around the farm – they were well out of earshot – when another group of families arrived. He personally thanked the NDP leader, but made it clear his gratitude was not meant to be a political endorsement.

The 2008 coalition negotiations were mentored by Chretien and former federal NDP leader and party “elder statesman” Ed Broadbent.

Provincially, the Liberals orchestrated an upset in Burlington previous year.

In the current election, the unions are spearheading an “Anybody but Harper” campaign.

Laird’s own views sometimes differ from that of official party policy – including the notion that the Bank of Canada should carry a few of the national debts, rather than global banks.

This is being described as “strategic voting”.

The Liberal leader finishes his day with a rally in Ajax, Ont., in what may be one of the most closely watched ridings of this campaign.

The Liberals have promised to “enhance CPP”, as part of an effort to make retirement more secure for more people – but they haven’t provided a number.


Another complains that the Liberals keep choosing leaders from Quebec. For the same reason we favour the existing policy under which the age of eligibility for Old Age Security will be gradually pushed back to 67, not rolled back to 65 as the opposition parties propose. His government subsequently implemented the greatest ever social spending cuts, while also reneging on its promise to repeal the regressive Good and Services Tax and renegotiate NAFTA.

Key Canada Events: Week of October 12-16