
New “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” footage, official poster unveiled

This is exciting news for fans of the franchises’s Expanded Universe, which was removed from Star Wars canon asThe Force Awakens was developed.


A new glimpse at the making of the first major Star Wars spin-off movie has been revealed, showing director Gareth Edwards’ process on the film. That being said, so far I’ve liked everything I’ve seen from Rogue One, I only hope it turns out as good as it looks. The panel includes director Gareth Edwards, and Rogue One stars Felicity Jones, Mads Mikkelsen, Forest Whitaker, Diego Luna, Alan Tudyk, among others.

Rogue One will have story elements that will feel connective and similar to fans as well as being a blend of old and new, said Kiri Hart, the development lead of Lucasfilm’s Star Wars Story Group.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story opens in December.

“I don’t know what I said to him, I was trying to be articulate and intelligent, and I don’t know what came out, and he was being really sweet and complimentary”. Although his rise to power took place after Jedi, he now occupies the timeline before the original 1977 movie, since Rebels focuses on the building of the uprising that would eventually topple the Empire. Now that droid has a name – K-2SO – and a backstory. Cassian reprogrammed the droid and Tudyk described him as “unsettling”. “He just says whatever he thinks”.

Edwards, his cast and producer/Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy discussed the upcoming stand-alone film (in theaters December 16) and its characters at a panel Friday at London’s Star Wars Celebration event. Mendelsohn – who plays the villainous Director Krennic in the film – even took the stage in full costume, flanked by Imperial Guards. Mendelsohn made a stunning entrance through the crowd in imperial garb, flanked by all-black Death Troopers.

Friday evening was the night to step away from Pokémon Go for a moment and bask in the glorious new trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

There are big spoilers ahead from the new season of Star Wars Rebels! But there’s more: “He’s a scientist and he, at one point, invented something so lovely, something so fantastic that it might change the universe”.

Normally on a set the extras are told, ‘OK, on action you walk there, on cut you stop there.’ And we said, for the next hour you’re gonna be this character.


To me, despite all the slow-motion action and interesting characters packed into this video, this was the smartest thing Lucasfilm put in this reel.

Darth Vader and Stormtroopers arrive at the 'Star Wars Rebels&#039 Season 2 finale event at Walt Disney Studios