
New school bus stops and new procedure in Wake County

In the state of Texas, it is illegal to pass any school bus that is stopped and operating a visual signal – either flashing red lights or a stop sign. “Your focus, no matter if there are buses out there or not, should be on driving, but particularly if you see a school bus, your focus should be is that bus getting ready to stop or not”.


Red flashing lights and an extended stop arm on a school bus means children are getting on and off so drivers must stop and wait until the stop arm is withdrawn, the AAA said. Under North Carolina law, G.S. 20-217, drivers going either direction must stop when a school bus is stopped to let children off unless it is on a highway divided by a median or a four or more lane road with a center turning lane.

Auto club AAA’s annual “School’s Open – Drive Carefully” campaign aims to reduce the number of school-related pedestrian injuries and fatalities by encouraging drivers to stay alert in school zones and in residential areas where children are heading to and from school. Motorists should slow down and prepare to stop.

Members of the Naperville Police Department will be providing enhanced education and enforcement patrols around schools during the opening weeks of the school year.

Additionally, those walking and riding bikes to school should follow basic safety habits such as walking on sidewalks, crossing the street at intersections and looking both ways before crossing.

Safety officials also encourage parents to instruct children on how to get on and off the bus safely.

Get to the bus stop at least five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. Turning on the vehicle’s daytime running lights or headlights-even during the day-allows children and other drivers to see them more easily.

Use the handrails to avoids falls.

If your child is driving themselves, make sure they wear their seat belt.

Never walk behind the bus.


If you have to cross the street in front of the bus, walk on the sidewalk or along the side of the road to a point at least five giant steps (10 feet) ahead of the bus before you cross. Never try to pick it up, because the driver might not be able to see you. If you have questions or want more information on your school’s traffic and parking plan, please contact your school.

Credit MGN Online                                            Red Cross offers back to school safety tips