
New security measures bring long lines at Brazil airports

New, stricter security checks placed on Brazilian airports before the upcoming Olympics stalled travelers and delayed flights on Monday.


The reason for the chaos at the city’s picturesque domestic airport centred on new security guidelines starting Monday that require passengers to go through checks as though they were flying worldwide. The lines eased up by the afternoon.

The International Olympic Committee has reportedly ordered 450,000 condoms for the Rio Games – three times then 150,000 they bought for London 2012. Officers blocked the street and used a robot to inspect the blue sports bag, which turned out to have only clothes inside.

“I don’t think there’s any added pressure in that regard, and it’s something I have to accept as part of the Olympics”, Jin said.

Andre Luis, a security official for airport operator Infraero at Santos Dumont, said he expected further delays on Monday evening when the number of flights out of the airport reaches its peak.

The new procedures include body searches, removal of electronic items from bags before scanning and more thorough luggage inspections.

Two weeks away from the Olympics, almost two out of three Brazilians believe that hosting them will cause the country more harm than good, an opinion poll said Tuesday as worries grow over crime and budget cuts.

“Due to this vacation period and with the proximity of the Olympic Games, demand for air transportation will surely increase”, the agency said.

The Koreans tallied 13 golds at the 2008 Beijing Games, their most at an Olympics, and matched that total in London four years later, where they finished fifth in the standings.

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