
New Shenmue III Kickstarter Reward add physical PS4 copies

The Shenmue 3 Kickstarter page was recently updated to include physical Playstation 4 copies of the game as a reward. Now, three weeks or so later, funding has more than doubled, bringing with it a physical PlayStation 4 copy.


When Shenmue 3 was officially announced during Sony’s E3 2015 press conference, there was an uproarious applause and, at once, a collective, big sigh of relief; after all of this time, the oft-demanded sequel in the Shenmue series, which began and abruptly ended during the era of Sega’s Dreamcast console, was finally coming. Not too long after it hit Kickstarter, the creators of the game announced that to have a truly open world they needed to raise at least million. “If you are a Shenmue fan and PS4 gamer, this is the reward to have to commemorate the occasion!”

The campaign states in its $5 million stretch goal that reaching the milestone in funding will introduce a character perspective system to Shenmue 3, which Suzuki said is something that he has always wanted to include in the game.

If you have already pledged for a PC physical copy, you will not need to adjust your pledge if you want a PS4 physical copy instead.


For those that long to take home a physical disk wrapped in paper and plastic for your PS4, it will set you back $60 – twice the price of the digital download. As the fundraising campaign sits 11 days out at over $4 million, it seems that that goal is less and less likely to happen.

New Shenmue III Kickstarter Reward add physical PS4 copies