
New Sons of Confederate Veterans License Plate Approved

The Confederate battle flag is staying on a redesigned Georgia license plate in a deal reached with state officials.


Not everyone was opposed to the Confederate flag license plate. The specialty tag devoted to the Sons of Confederate Veterans will return after a minor redesign.

Although state-of-the-art essay of the redesign is certainly not available to the people, the AJC results the big fellow identify kind of nag in the back of of the previous dish will surely be stamped out.

State leaders pulled the plate altogether, after the shooting reignited debate over Confederate imagery.

Redesigned Georgia license plate removes the faded Rebel flag background. A report within the Atlanta Journal Constitution asserted a state revenue spokesman noted the tags would again be obtainable next week for purchase. Accused shooter Dylann Roof was seen in photographs with the flag, helping to turn the tide against the Confederate colors. The SCV fights on behalf of the Confederate battle flag as a symbol of Southern heritage…

Fort says Gov. Deal should have followed South Carolina’s lead and eliminated the battle flag symbol. He defended the flag. “And I think he muffed it”, Democrat State Sen.


The license plate is expected to be available in the next several weeks. A progressive group called Better Georgia released a petition calling for the state to remove “symbols of hate and division”. According to its website, more than 4785 people have signed.

Confederate flags are still allowed on Georgia license plates