
New Star Wars baddie unveiled

The trailer opens with images of Kylo Ren in a space ship and there is a voiceover with both Andy Serkis’ voice and Kylo Ren’s.


Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the seventh film in the series and the start of a new trilogy, also stars fellow newbies such as Daisy Ridley as Rey and John Boyega as Finn.

After exactly one year to the day that the question was first asked when the first teaser for “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” was revealed to the legions of fans who have been eagerly waiting for the very first look at the sequel to the beloved movies, he finally gets an answer.

As early as now, fans who have eagerly awaited for new material are supporting the latest addition to the sci-fi franchise as it has already posted $50 million from its advance ticket sales. There are also new images of Kylo Ren leading a huge army of Stormtroopers and a new shot of the villain fighting Rey with his now iconic lightsaber. “Have you felt it?”

This appearance seemed to be equal to the mysterious villain and Kylo Ren, played by Adam Driver.

“Even you have never faced such a test”, he continues.

The newest trailer is the longest teaser we have been given since the surprise global trailer was unveiled.

Resistance pilot Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) can be seen in-flight, leading his crew into battle with a cry of, “All teams, give it everything you’ve got!” Other casts include the veterans: Harrison Ford as Han Solo with his all-time loyal sidekick Chewbacca played by Peter Mayhew, Carrie Fisher as Leia, and Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker.


Developed by software company Jitbit, the Star Wars Spoiler Blocker is an add-on for Google’s Chrome browser that blurs a Web page if possible “Force Awakens” spoilers are detected.

Star Wars' Han Solo and Chewbacca like an old couple, jokes Harrison Ford