
New Star Wars: The Force Awakens posters are pure retro greatness

Those were the words we heard a year ago when the very first teaser for Star Wars: The Force Awakens was released on the day after Thanksgiving.


Over at IGN, are a bunch of new promotional posters for Star Wars that feature no main cast, no stormtroopers, no droids, and no planet destroyers.

Look familiar? How about this? The other retro one sheets aren’t so bad either.

Ridley’s comments on the film come after co-star John Boyega recently admitted he does not know if The Force Awakens will match up to fans’ high expectations.

Part of the truck’s cargo scattered on the road and the damaged boxes revealed a familiar face to anyone that has seen even a glimpse of the massive Star Wars: The Force Awakens promotional push.

Fett reminded Darth Vader that Han Solo was “no good to me dead” when the smuggler was about to be frozen in carbonite. More Star Wars and nothing but Star Wars, all of the time. “When I look at the movie, I can’t resist it. It just tickles me”.

It’s fair to say that fans have gone from clamoring for new details of the film to being consistently hit over the head with new footage and promotional goodies.

In the new films, Fisher’s character is referred to as General Leia, indicating that her role within the Rebellion – now known as the Resistance – has grown since her adventures in the original trilogy of films.

Volvic will bring the campaign to life in over 2,000 stores with innovative life size bottle stands designed like Star Wars characters and a suite of eye catching Star Wars display units.

Luckily, fans don’t have to wait long as “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” will premiere on December 18. It’s an ideology that Abrams has spoken about consistently throughout the build up to The Force Awakens.


“But then you get to the later release range from about 1995 onwards, everyone thought it was going to be collectable and so they hoarded as much of it as they could”.
