
New Star Wars: The Force Awakens promo features BB-8

The production is casting a wide net for the role, asking talent agencies to submit clients ranged from 18 years old to 32 years old, although there are a handful of actors outside of that age range who have read for the part. He also made a joke about it during a skit on Saturday Night Live, US Weekly reports. There’s also an option to view it as a regular video, moving the phone to see from different angles. “I’m not saying get used to the future, but what is already happening. For things to be whitewashed just doesn’t make sense”. During the interview, the seasoned show business executive revealed that he has been a fan of the series ever since he was younger and as such the lightsaber battles in “The Force Awakens” is a tribute to the grittier combat of the original “Star Wars” trilogy. His answer was intriguing. I had them all in a Darth Vader carrying case and with my friends we would play and fight them back and forth.


Luckily the still-untitled Star Wars Anthology film doesn’t begin shooting until January 2017, so that gives Lord and Miller plenty of time to decide on their leading role. “There are lots of surprises in this movie”. Seen in the image is Han Solo, with a central figure who could very well be Leia Organa.

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz says the wisdom of Star Wars can be applied to the campaign trail.Daisy Ridley cried when she watched “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” for the first time.

“I actually wanted to be a zookeeper when I was 5”, she says. “I wasn’t anticipating it”. This means one need not be a Star Wars follower in order to understand The Force Awakens. Recently, he elaborated on the lives of some famous characters in the film such as that of Han Solo and Greedo.

Rey saves the abandoned BB-8 from a few rogue scavengers and meets up with Finn, who has shed his Stormtrooper gear.


While Harrison Ford was a relative unknown when he played Han Solo in Star Wars Episode IV – A New Hope, the character has now taken on nearly mythic status. The 23-year-old admitted on Wednesday.’s Good Morning America in that he “bottled” his audition for The Force Awakens ’cause he could not keep in mind his lines.

Star Wars 1977