
New ‘Star Wars’ trailer takes us to the dark side

The release date for the latest Star Wars movie, The Force Awakens, is scheduled for December 18, 2015. “Yes”, replies Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), a member of the Knights of Ren.


You don’t have to be a super-fan to notice the similarities between this scene and the countless times in the franchise that we have seen Vader inflict such pain by simply lifting his hand.

Star Wars fans are eagerly awaiting the day of December 18th, when The Force Awakens will be set free at movie theaters across the country, but what about on Christmas Day?

The trailer opens with an ominous voice-over: “There’s been an awakening… have you felt it?” Do check it out.

The lightsaber, which was revealed to us in the very first “Force Awakens” teaser previous year, has red light and a guard just above where the warrior holds it. “Even you have never faced such a test”, Snoke tells Ren in voiceover that accompanies new footage of the villain acting malevolently.

According to an article by Madeline Roth at, the “minute-long clip is the longest teaser since the global trailer”. In this trailer we hear Supreme Leader Snoke once again speak then Han Solo shoots his famous blaster (probably first), more awesome Millennium Falcon shots, space battles and it’s all so Star Wars, just about bringing me to tears.

Let us know if you are buying from Walmart, or if you have seen a cheaper price for both characters elsewhere. In charge of the musical score for the film starring Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill was John Williams.

The film is yet to be classified in the United Kingdom but has received a PG-13 rating in the U.S. for “sci-fi action violence”.


With just a few weeks to go before “Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens” warps out of hyperspace and into theatres, the last thing you want is to have the story spoiled.

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