
New study triggers debate over link between cell phone use and cancer

The low incidence of cancer observed in the rats in the USA government study were likely the result of whole-body exposure to the radiation, and was similar to tumors seen in some studies of mobile-phone use, the researchers said.


A report of partial findings was released yesterday, and though the National Institutes of Health, which helped oversee the study, noted earlier this week that previous studies have found ” limited evidence” of increased cancer risk from cell phones, it’s clear this revelation is a big deal. People who hold cell phones near their ears probably get the greatest radiation exposure on one side of their skull. And a large Danish study that linked phone bills to a cancer registry found no risk even in longtime users. The highest radiation level was five to seven times as strong as what humans typically receive while using a phone.

So should we not use our cellphones at all?

A new study linking cell phone radiation to cancer in male rats is getting a lot of attention, but before you toss your iPhone, remember that all studies have limitations.

In previous studies, rats in control groups sometimes developed brain or heart tumors, suggesting some of the rats in this study may have developed the tumors, and not because of the cell phone radiation.

“Where people were saying there’s no risk, I think this ends that kind of statement”, former National Toxicology Program chief Ron Melnick told the Wall Street Journal, referring to the study’s results.

The two-year trial involved more than 2,500 rats and each received carefully controlled doses of radiation for nine hours a day, every day for two years.

Some of the study’s own reviewers had trouble accepting the results because of the odd factors, such as rats in the group that wasn’t exposed didn’t contract what would be the normal number of brain tumors for that population. As of now, the data only found higher rates of cancer in male rates, and the amount of radiation exposure necessary to be carcinogenic could be much higher in humans. The radiation levels the rats were exposed to included power levels that current cell phones are allowed to emit.

The preliminary findings of a study conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation has shown that the Radio Frequency (RF) the type emitted by the cell-phones may play its part in causing cancer.

The growing use of cellphones has raised alarms over the last few years, with claims – sometimes unsubstantiated and often rubbished – that radio frequencies used by our now-ubiquitous companions are carcinogenic, or cancer-causing.

The researchers have more data stockpiled that they haven’t reported. “We will continue to follow all recommendations from federal health and safety experts”.


“Scientific evidence always informs FCC rules on this matter”, the FCC said.

Cellphone Use May Be Linked To Cancer, Government Study Finds